About United Methodist Church Ludington

Revealing the grace of God by welcoming and serving all in Christ

Our Values at UMC Ludington

Our values determine who we are and how we represent God with each other and our community. Here are our core values as a people of god.


We honor all people by welcoming all, where they are, as they are, with the love of God.


We empower all through opportunities to learn/teach/lead/ and mentor in the Gospel.


We are sent to be engaged with our community — locally and globally.


We intentionally build meaningful connections with others — inside and outside the church.


We reach out in visible and proactive ways to engage with our community, including others in our mission and service.


We actively welcome all- with bigger hearts and bigger tables — demonstrated by the ideals of non-violence, trust, honesty, and hope.

Ludington Pastor and Staff

Rev. Hillary Thurston-Cox

Rev. Hillary Thurston-Cox


Laurie McKinven-Copus

Laurie McKinven-Copus

Office Administrator

Becky Sopha

Becky Sopha

Music Coordinator

A United Creed

We are the people of the United Methodist Church of Ludington.

We believe in the God who created and continues to create.
We want to root ourselves in Jesus.
We rely on the Holy Spirit.
We seek to grow in faithfulness to the Gospel.

We believe our church is part of this community. Ludington has our heart.
We open our doors and ourselves to everyone–
When we say “Come as you are” we mean it.

When we say we are a church we mean:
We celebrate God’s presence,
We want to grow in our love for others,
And we find joy in serving.

We believe everyone has a gift to share and the church is stronger when everyone contributes.

We believe that God’s grace is revealed when we love fully, embrace others, and practice forgiveness.

We believe eternity begins today.
God is with us. We are not alone because we are the Church.