Elevate Youth Ministry
Helping teens prepare for the real-life for which God is calling them.
Elevate is about a community within a community. Teens feel connected to each other. They form bonds that go beyond the church walls.
The Elevate Youth Group meets every Sunday from 12 pm- 2 pm. This is subject to change, depending on what events are taking place and teens’ schedules. We meet in the Elevate Youth room most Sundays.
We learn about the bible in various ways. Currently, we are using the online series called “Gospel. We also tackle real-life issues that are relevant to the teens that attend youth group. We have addressed issues from drug use to study skills. Teens help us develop topics that are relevant to them.
Elevate is active in many charity activities. We lend a hand cleaning lawns in both fall and spring. Often we help out at Helping Hands Ministry. Each holiday season, we ring the bell for Salvation Army.
We have been involved with pantries throughout Mason County. We like to remain active within our community. We have volunteered to help the Jaycee’s with the mini golf course.
We rake, plant, blow leaves, lay bricks, weed, paint, and do any other chores that may need to be done.
Elevate goes on mission trips to various states within the continental United States. Youth are encouraged to go on 1-2 mission trips within Michigan before going on trips out of state. Mission trips are filling and rewarding, but at the same time, they can be heart-wrenching. We have been on trips that have taken us from the inner city to very rural settings with no electricity.
Lastly, Elevate strives to be a place where teens enjoy themselves. We have gone bowling, to the zoo, dune riding, to Michigan Adventure, and many other fun activities that allow teens to for lasting memories.
If you are in 6th grade to 12th grade, consider joining Elevate. Build your connection with God and teens within the United Methodist Family.
For most up to date Youth Group Information please see our Facebook page @ Ludington UMC Youth and Family Ministries.
Dokoda Holt-Sharp
Director of Children, Youth and Families