Children’s Ministry
Children and families are ALWAYS welcome at Ludington
Sunday Mornings For Children
You may register your child(ren) for Sunday School before the worship service starts at 9:45 am in the Narthex (as you come in the front doors.) If your child(ren) attended VBS 2022, your child does not need to be registered again.
We will have a Kindergarten – 3rd Grade class and a 4th – 5th Grade class. The teachers will be Mrs. MacDonald and Mrs. Gomez, along with others who may volunteer periodically.
Children’s classes will generally consist of scripture, prayer, video, lesson, snack, and an activity. Expectations are for children to act safely and respectfully.
Children are invited to start worship at 10:00 am with their parents, participate in Pastor Hillary’s Children’s Time, and then leave worship to attend Sunday School.
Parents are asked to pick up their child(ren) in the Gathering Area of the Christian Education Wing after the worship service is over.
On Communion Sundays, children are invited to participate in the Communion Service with their class unless you request differently. Parents will still need to pick up their child(ren) at the end of the service.
On Sundays, when the “Oasis” praise band plays, children will be brought to the sanctuary for the ending songs and returned to their parents.
Year-round Children’s Ministry:
In the summer, we host a Vacation Bible School usually in July.
We also send children to United Methodist Camps across the state. Contact the church office if you need assistance paying for camp. We feel strongly that every child should have the opportunity to attend a Christian Camp.
Summer Camps We Support:
Lake Louise Christian Community, Camp, and Retreat Center (Our pastor serves on the Black Bear Children’s camp Staff)